The intention of NC Groups Information Advice and Guidance service is to make careers education more accessible for learners, and ensure each one of them, whatever their background, can make the right education and training choices so they have the best possible chance of succeeding. Through the offering of unbiased IAG, the service is designed to help learners make an informed decision about how to improve job prospects, skills, obtain a qualification, or just make the most out of a current job.
We are proud to have been accredited to the matrix Standard, demonstrating that we provide high-quality Information Advice and Guidance Services to all of our clients
What we offer?
In the delivery of our Information, Advice, and Guidance (IAG) service, we endeavour to support prospective and existing learners in making decisions about their training and career planning, based on their individual needs, circumstances, and interests.
Our Commitment
We are proud to provide professional information, advice and guidance on all matters of professional development and career progression within our areas of expertise. As an organisation, we are committed to provide our staff with continuous professional development to ensure that we can provide our learners with unbiased information, advice and guidance. Please see below our IAG Organisational Chart:
The National Career Service (NCS) provides information advice and guidance for jobseekers and those in work aged 18 and older to help them manage their career and progress into learning, training and employment.
PeoplePlus created The Social Recruitment Framework (SRF) to help match employers, training providers and job seekers at a local, regional and national level.
Jobcentre Plus is a government-funded employment agency helps people find work through services such as job hunting programmes and external job vacancies, while it also provides financial support to eligible job hunters.